
Novice Finals

  • 1
    THBT children should be taught to be self-sufficient instead of seeking and building communities (families, friendships, relationships, etc.).
  • 2
    In a world where realistic android relationships are possible, THS the rise of relationships with realistic androids.
  • 3
    TH opposes the stigmatization of romantic relationships built upon materialistic needs or exchanges (e.g. sugar-daddies, cougars, etc.).
  • Grand Final

  • 1
    THR the existence of 4GT4EVR.
  • 2
    THW prioritize the value of happiness over the value of truth.
  • 3
    THP a world where a person transitioning through multiple religions in their lifetime is a common practice.
  • Semifinals

  • 1
    THBT charities should not accept donations made by public figures as part of a public apology (e.g. public figures who are criticized for being misogynists and then they donate to charities working against domestic violence)
  • 2
    THW join the ruling political party to get their ticket (permission to be the approved candidate) for your constituency.
  • 3
    THR the rising trend of glorifying Netaji.
  • Round 5

  • 1
    THBT generative AI platforms (e.g. chatGPT, Google Bard) have a negative impact on students' quality of learning.
  • 2
    THR the existing social media platform model with popularity assessment metrics (e.g. like/dislike/follower count).
  • 3
    Assuming the technology exists, THW require all university graduates, upon their graduation, to take a single look into their future 25 years from now.
  • Round 4

  • 1
    This house, as a region of country undergoing prolonged economic stagnation, would attempt to revitalize its economy with vice industries (e.g. gambling, sex work, legalization of drug-use).
  • 2
    TH, as a developing country, would aggressively attempt to implement "Parle G".
  • 3
    THBT top officials of large organizations should be held criminally liable for their organizations' decisions that impact the economy negatively (e.g. Silicon Valley Bank, FTX).
  • Round 3

  • 1
    THBT players should get a cut of fantasy sports revenue as a performance bonus.
  • 2
    TH, as a parent of a kid with exceptional talent in sports, would significantly push their kid to maximize their potential even at the expense of the child's immediate happiness.
  • 3
    THW accept the contract.
  • Round 2

  • 1
    THR the rising popularity of creating and promoting high production value real-crime documentaries (e.g., Dahmer, Indian Predator, The Raincoat Killer, etc.).
  • 2
    THS the growing inclusion of discussion on mental health as a subtext in popular media content (e.g., Bojack Horseman, black swan).
  • 3
    THR the rising trend of making sequels and/ or remakes of popular classics (e.g., Star Wars universe, Fast universe, Disney).
  • Round 1

  • 1
    THW introduce a license to have children.
  • 2
    THW shield their child from the knowledge they were born into privilege.
  • 3
    TH celebrates the decline of the "family comes first" narrative.